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A member registered Jun 28, 2021

Recent community posts

First locatin. Go back from where the first mission started (and where you can't go on a start of the game)

How to replay missions after Lucia capture to get 3 stars? After the last avaliable mission I can't return there as a bird or wolf, but as a Lucia

It's on your own. There is a custom file, where you can translate the game (or, actually, put any text you wish) and then share it so anyone else can use your translation

(1 edit)

Any updates on this page (I mean, with that % stuff)?


Yeah-yeah, I've already get it, the text with non-finished side-quest seems to be about the mission is the crater. Yet I found another problem: I've lost a battle to Orco (after making preparations and staff) and the game just crashed. After that the save file is also crashed and the game offs whenever I try to load it.

Well, hello there. Found this pretty game from Twitter (yeah, there are still some things twitter is useful to) and didn't eat a day to get 400 hrivnas (10 bucks). So in that announcement of 0.4.2 it said that the sidequest for that big orc is fully finished yet in the game, after talking to that guy I had a message that quest is still under development. Did I missed something, or that a leftover message, that wasn't removed from public version?


Something really has to be done with items and those shelves. Because when you have a lots of equipment, it's become almost impossible to choose. It would be much easier, if inside the van, equipment pickup move to another window (like, IDK, to the chest or something)

He-he, boiiiii!

Is this the needed TXT files to translate?

OMG, this day is actually happen

Also, if there is a chance to rework a bit head-hunter animation, so actual "sucking" moment is visible?

Will LAGS update % on this post today?

I'm not a dev, but according to previous updates, needed save files are stored in disc C, so even if you just delete game folder and then download it, saves will remain on the computer (the same goes for the new versions)

Will the link to this demo appear here, or some other place?

Wanted to ask again (maybe I didn't notice that in time), but where will be the info about that new project, LAGS told us about? Will link on test-demo appear here somewhere on comments, or in his store page will appear 4 game-page?

No you can't. In the old version it was not even in plans

Trying to figure out, which game this is based of... The Coma, maybe? Or the original is not in 2D?


Well, I am. SugarCane as a boss was pretty hard for me, if not use cheating (pressing burger button to heal yourself), so it will come in handy to slowly killing her by debuff. Also about zombie-enemy it is easer to kill them by sex (with this skin) and not with pickaxe

(All things above are highly subjective and are just my imho)

Vote zombie

my-my, that art is may be the best indeed. Would like to see more multi-penetration scenes, but yet that is good for sure

(1 edit)

Secrets, you say? That new project of yours is going to be about middle story between Hailey and Survive games? (in a plot means) :)

1. Wait for relies of the next update

2. Tap a tones of times on the burger icon, so you have a lot of healing food

3. Not in current version  

Bugs report for 64 PC version: honeybees are don't combine in 3P animation (the second bee just floating into Hailey and don't start 3P animation).

Blades on the last level are not hurting Hailey

Tik-tak Mr. Anderson.

BTW, can I start my translation of the game from 0.5.4 version, or better wait for version 1.0.0?

C:\Users\(user)\AppData\LocalLow\LAGS\Hailey's Adventure

Here you can find some TXT files. One of them named Achievements.txt

In it, you can manually change completion of your achievements, so the game will think you've done everything (and it also will unlock the nude costume) 

Does this door will lead somewhere in next updates? That icon of man with arrow near it make me nightmares' as I still think that I miss something

Then I will need to send that TXT to you so you can add a new language, or it will be just a custom service for all who wants other languages?

Ok, I've managed to finish my works IRL, so now I can return to translation task. As I remember, LAGS said that from 0.52 version dialogs will be constant and so translation can begins. Will you (LAGS) give me scripts and names to translate, or I need to present the translation to you?

If goblins will be in next update, is that means that their 4p and 5p animations are also there?

Yeah-boy, PC version is out!

Oh, time to start taking notes of those dialogs to prepare for RUS/UKR translation

OwO yeah, LAGS-verse is actually a reality though

A bit of Game theory to ya': So, as we all know, a shop-girl from the Hailey's is the same person as a girl from a TV-show from SurVive. Also we know, that in caves in Hailey's we have a strange pathogen that turns dead into zombies, and we have a zombie-outbreak in SurVive. Theory, that Hailey's is a prequel to SurVive. Hailey and Annie take infected artifacts from below and so infected the world. Also, to include a Brawl game here, we can say that this is just a spinoff, because both in Hailey's and Brawl we have magic (level in cemetery in Brawl and just everything else in Hailey's). We have a LAGS'o'verse here, guys (also I know, that those coincidences are just an optimal usage of already drawn sprites, but it's a bit more interesting to believe in forethought ;) )

What the hard mode?